Sunday, September 28, 2008

Losing weight update

The last month has been kind of slow since I have been on and off antibiotics for different things. So I havent lost a whole lot but I have still lost which puts me at 29.2 total weight lost so far. And this week I dropped down into a different se of numbers which was cool. I also am able to fit into my regular temple dress now. (The one I had when I got$ married). So I a, really excited about that. Still 24 more pounds to go but I know I can do it.


Daniel and Mary said...

You are doing so great with your weight! I wish I was. I'm still running 10+ miles a week but nothing. :( Want to come run in the 1/2 marathon with me next spring?

Sorry about last weekend. We would have loved to have you guys up here with us.

Daniel and Mary said...

13 miles.

Come do it with me!

Patti said...

That is great!!! I wish I could get back into what I was wearing when I got married............I have found that it is harder to get to the fridge with a broken foot!! I wouldn't suggest it, but I thought I'd gain instead of lose while sitting around for 2 & a 1/2 months.