Friday, March 25, 2011

Kayla's Birthday Party

Our sweet 6 year old who loves to pose for every picture and wants me to take lots. She sometimes has really funny poses that don't look so good but usually I can find a couple of good ones but on this occasion this was the only one that looked good. She sure does keep life intresting and fun;) We love her so much!!

The Barbie/Pirate cake. We did barbie and pirates since we were having boys at the party. So the barbie dress is cake and the treasure chest is cake. I was so proud of this cake it was my best one with foundant. I loved how dress turned out with it's gathers and sparkle(2 things you can't really see on the pictures.) In the end I don't know who loved it more me or Kayla:)

Enjoying some yummy pizza!

Playing a game called thief, thief. The purpose is to try and steal a piece of treasure from infront of the blindfolded person. (Nobody had a problem stealing stuff, so it didn't quite work the way it was suppose to but, they seem to have fun)

Trying to pop each others balloons!

Doing the pinate. Unfourtunatly it was to wet outside for candy to bo everywhere so we had to do it inside which ment a pull string instead of hitting it. Not as fun but, the kids still enjoyed it.

The party guests playing freeze
dance(always a fun game for kids!)