Friday, August 22, 2008

Kayla dentist checkup

Kayla had her dentist checkup the other day which did not go so well. She had no new cavaties which was good but one of here crowns on her front tooth did not work she has an infected tooth and the only other thing to do is get her tooth pulled. Which will happen next week. I cant imagine her having a big gap in her mouth. Especially since those permenant teeth dont come in until they are 7 or 8. We can at anytime in the future get a retainer thing that holds a fake tooth in its place but insurence does not cover it so we dont know if we will do that but we will see since we have many years and we can do it anytime. The other downfall is that because those four fake teeth had silver backs now that there will be a hole you will see the silver. I guess after next wendsday we will see what it loks like. We may get use to the gap, who knows we will have to see. I still am not sure though since her big beautiful smiles are all front teeth. Maybe though that is why she started sucking her thumb both the sore and the thumbucking came at the same time so I just thought it had to with that.