Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kayla's new mouth

Well yesterday was the day, she had her tooth pulled. The first hour after she wasent doing to good but by the time we got home she was fine. (her dentist is in Salt Lake) She loves sticking her tounge through the hole and when i tried to get pictures she kept doing it so I told her if she let me take one of a normal smile she could stick her tounge out in the next picture. They gave her her tooth and she put it under her pillow last night and the tooth fairy came. I asked her if she wanted to put her money in her piggy bank or go to the store and get something. So we will be going to the store later so she can pick something out. She lookd different with the hole but still cute!


Daniel and Mary said...

She looks cute. I am sure you will grow use to not having a tooth there. Don't let her buy candy with her tooth-fairy money or she may have to loose more. :)